Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Legitimate Multilevel Marketing Companies

Legitimate Multilevel Marketing Companies

By A. Hamid Adeniyi Otule
Dear esteemed readers, here is an opportunity again for you again to know about the invaluable discovery about multilevel marketing or what I call ‘network marketing’.
Before I proceed, let me remind our followers that we remain committed to ensuring that we contribute positively to the development of our society at large.
Furthermore, before you begin to think differently, let me ask? Are there really any legitimate multilevel marketing companies? Do you have friends who are involved in any "Investments business opportunity" that they want you to listen or participate? Or you are lucky to listen to one of your dad's friends saying, "Hey, why don't you come over to this meeting that we're having Sunday evening? It's a good way to make some quick money." Well I’m sure you must have heard of it before.
To answer your question, yes, there are legitimate multilevel marketing companies in business today even in Nigeria as the case may be. You must learn to know how to find them and not to get them confused with wrong ones.
So here are a few things to watch out for to ensure that you are getting into a legitimate marketing company. Initially a multilevel marketing company is going to ask you for some kind of starting fee which is normally small in size anyway. You will normally be provided access to information that non members are not privy to. You are also investing in the production of the product as a member. Most networks marketing investment platforms will also ask for an initial investment, but the investment is usually large in size. And while with a legitimate marketing company, you can get a breakdown of the products and learn as much about the company as you do about the product. That is not the case in pyramid schemes. Usually what they do is to spend a lot of time trying to get you to get members to join and give their portion of the initial investment. They tend to focus more on getting the initial investment from as many people as you can instead of the product.
Therefore, with legitimate multilevel marketing companies, you will find that they like to talk about their product just as much as the opportunities that exist in their companies. Their desire is to get their product out while expanding the growth of their company with as many legitimate distributors as possible.
Finally, while there are many network marketing platforms that are try to mimic what looks like legitimacy in multilevel marketing, some of them will always manifest themselves by their desire to grow people instead of distribute products. Be careful when you are looking for legitimate multilevel marketing platform, there are many people out there who are just looking to take your money and run. The more cautious you are the better it will be for you in the long run.
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I wish you best of luck

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